Archival management

2. Level of management

2.1. Function of management

anagement functions
Management functions refer to the set of activities inherent in most managerial jobs.
These management functions are:
Staffing is a function of managing the organization structure and keeping it manned. It involves the executive functions such as selection, compensation, training, promotion, retrenchment of employees, remuneration, performance appraisal, transfer and manpower planning.
Planning is the process of settling organization goals/ objective and deeming ways and means of achieving them.
Or It refers to an arrangement of doing something considered in advance. Or It is deciding on advance what to do, how to do and who to do it. 
Planning is a thinking   process organized foresight the vision based on facts and experience that is required for intellectual action.
The purpose of planning is to provide management with a blue print of what they should be doing in future.
The planning process consists of the following steps:
Establishing long-term goals and objectives this is usually done by top management. The development of strategic plans serves as the broad and general guidance that would determine the organization future activities. 
Developing tactical plans- these are middle term plans of the organization they stem from the strategic plan.
Developing operational guidance for short term activities that will help in accomplishing strategic plans.
Developing strategic plans – this severs as the broad and general guidelines they would determine the organization future activities
It refers to the process of grouping activities and resources in a logical and appropriate way.
Or     It is establishing of a formal structure of authority which is well detained and co-ordinate towards the attainment of specific objectives.
Or It is the creation of department, sections and positions in an organization   
Or it refers to Pattern of library organization varies from library to library depending upon: Library objective, Nature of users, Type of staff, Finance, Building, Altitude of higher authorities and Philosophy of the chief librarian 
In the choice of pattern of organization centralized administrative and decentralized service should be the basic consideration.
In case the goal and objective of a library are changed the organizational structure become large and more people join it hence structure get complex
This involves guiding and directing employees towards organization goal attainment.
Or It is the continuous task of taking directions and incorporating them   in specific and general orders and serving these orders.
Directing entails issuing of orders and instructions, monitoring employees, managing the group process as well as dealing with conflict and change.
Library administrator such as chief librarian or his deputies are constantly expected to issue orders which lay down library policies 
Directing is a complex process of getting things done through people. It offers the greatest challenge to a manager.
Decision making which is extremely important directing consists of the following steps:
Finding occasions for working decision (intelligence activity)
Finding possible causes of action (design authority )
Choosing among course of action (choice authority 
Directing involves the following:
This is concerned with inter – relating parts of an organization so as to archive common purpose (unity of action) 
Coordinating will ensure that all departments an sections are working together towards the attainment of organization goals 
Coordination is only possible though person -to- person relationships 
It’s the process of monitoring and adjusting organization activates towards goal attainment.
Controlling involves the collection evaluation and comparison of information about the task performed or achieved with the standards. The aim of this is to identify the deviations and come up wither corrective measures on what remedy should be taken.
The control process entails:
Establishment of standards.
Measurement and comparisons with actual performance and standards.
Under taking corrective measures 


It is an art of getting things done through others by directing efforts towards  achievement of pre- determined goals 

It is concerned with formulation of broad objectives plans and policies   

It is an executive function 
It’s a decision making functions 

Management decides who should and how should be done 
Decides what is to be done and when is it to be done

Technical and human skills 
Conceptual and human skills 

Middle and lower level function 
Top level functions